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Profile Settings

What can I do on the Sybill Profile Settings page

Paulo Pereira avatar
Written by Paulo Pereira
Updated over a week ago


This is where your full name is displayed. It's important to ensure this information is accurate as it may be used in follow up emails or displayed in meeting summaries.


Your primary email address associated with your Sybill account is shown here. If you need to add aliases or change your primary email, please contact Sybill Support for assistance.


This is your job designation. It's important to ensure this information is accurate as it may be used in follow up emails or displayed in meeting summaries.


This section would allow users to connect your LinkedIn profile to your Sybill account for pulling in professional information.

These settings are reserved for users with admin privileges. Admins can edit settings that affect the entire team, such as team name, team members, and access rights.

Team Name

This is where the name of your team within the organization is displayed. Only admins have the ability to change this setting.

Internal Domains

This setting lists email domains recognized as part of your organization. Users signing up with these domains are automatically assigned to your organization. To make changes to this list, please contact Sybill Support.


In this section, you can add domains of companies and email addresses of individuals who you frequently collaborate with but who are not part of your organization. Sybill will then mark them as internal for the purposes of processing calls, ensuring that your communications are categorized correctly.

Consider Invitees with Public Domains as Internal Users

Toggle this option if you want Sybill to consider invitees from public email domains (e.g.,, as internal users. This is useful for treating frequent external collaborators as part of your team within Sybill's processing logic.

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