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Using the AI Email for Follow-ups: A complete guide

The AI Follow-up Emails are updated to be more authentic, fast & flexible. Find 'Quick Starter Guide', FAQs & Help about the update here.

Written by Mamta Tainwala
Updated over 5 months ago

One-click AI Follow-up Email is a powerful feature in Sybill that allows you to craft a perfectly personalized email right after your meeting. The AI email is contextual, customizable & authentic to your voice and style of writing. From pleasantries to crucial next steps, it covers everything without a miss. The feature also allows you to save multiple templates that help reduce your follow-up time & drive the conversation forward.

Let's understand this feature, how to use it to it's full capabilities, and answer some FAQs.

Quick Start Guide

Key Features

  • Highly customized & personalized emails.

  • Your authentic voice & style of writing replicated.

  • Quick access to multiple AI-generated templates.

Using AI Follow-up Emails

  • There are 2 ways to access AI Follow-up Emails on Sybill.
    Let's walk through both of these:

    1. Through Meeting Dashboard

      1. Click the blue button on the top right of any meeting that's available on the meeting/call dashboard

      2. Once the email is generated, you could edit it or send it through your email client.

      3. Customize using Prompt Editor (length, tone)

      4. Personalize using #variables, <custom prompts>, and white text

    2. Through AI Studio

    a. Settings > AI Studio

    b. Create templates via 3 options:

    - Auto-generate via CRM
    - Generate from email samples (min. 3 required)

    - Build from scratch

    c. Customize using Prompt Editor

    d. Add multiple templates, name them or change default templates

To understand & use AI Follow-up Emails better, please check out the Quick Starter Guide.

Common Use Cases

  1. Follow-up after a demo

  2. Re-engagement with inactive leads

  3. Following up after sending a proposal

  4. Handling objections or hesitations

Frequently Asked Questions

Creating a new template or auto-generating

How do I create a new template?

  • You can create a new template by editing the AI-generated email from the Meeting Dashboard. Once you make changes to the generated template, you can click on ‘Save As’ and name the template.

  • The other way is to do it in the AI Studio. You could add a template that you know has worked previously or something you found on the web or simply generate samples from your writing style. All of these are possible.

How do I auto-generate templates from past emails?

  • The auto-generate feature requires your CRM to be connected with Sybill. If you have enough past emails available via your CRM tool, you can click on ‘Create New’ and ‘Auto Generate via CRM’ in the AI Studio.

  • If you don't have sufficient emails or your CRM is not connected you have two other options:
    -Select one of the “pre-generated” email templates.
    -Enter 3 samples of your past emails for the model to generate a template based on your unique writing style.

How do I make it simulate my style of writing?

  • The AI Studio has been amped up to pick up on your writing style if it has enough samples through your CRM. If not, you could enter 3 or more samples and ask the AI Studio to generate a template. The more emails the better. This should ideally replicate your writing style & tone.

Prompts & their use (length, tone, writing (#, <>, etc.))

What does it mean if I select: “Don’t Specify” for Length?

  • If you don’t want to modify the output of the current template, select “Don’t Specify” for Length. It will not optimize for length, instead, it will focus on covering all the essential parameters & discussions of the call as prompted by the template.

  • Think of the email length option as the opportunity to make stylistic changes to the template. For example, the default template may have a longer email output, but you would prefer a short email, if so, then select the “Short” option.

What does it mean if I select: “Don’t Specify” for Tone?

  • Selecting an “Email Tone” allows you to modify the writing style of the template beyond what you would have generated. For example, say you have an ideal template but for a certain customer you prefer the email to be written in a more informal style vs. for another customer something in a more professional style, you can do both from a single template by altering the “Email Tone".

  • Selecting “Don’t Specify” for “Email Tone” means that no additional style changes will be applied to the template and the tone will adhere to the instructions of the template.

What’s the difference between writing text normally (white text in template editor), within <> (yellow text in the template editor) or next to the # (blue text in the template editor) E.g. What is the difference between typing “Next Steps” vs <next steps> vs #NEXT_STEPS?

  • “#” has a fixed set of variables that can be added to the email.
    Think of #variable as the specific meeting data from the magic summary. The list of meeting data will appear in the template but you can also find it here.

  • You may want to show the next steps in a paragraph format, enumerated list, or bulleted list. Putting an <ai instruction> before the #variable allows you to modify the output of the meeting data.
    <> can also help you fetch details from the call transcript or the magic summary that may be unique to the meeting.
    For example, if you want to recall a specific personal detail from the meeting you can prompt the model to retrieve that information from the meeting.
    E.g., <Short line on their pain point(s) and how we solve it>

  • White text is for text you wish to see as is in the email. This can be useful for highlighting sections of an email with a title or including a company signature or phrase that should be fixed in the template.
    E.g., Best,
    Casandra Smith

Can we customize the options that show up with #?

  • No, for now these meeting variables are provided from a fixed number of variables. For a list of the meeting variables please check the image above.

How do I know the best way to create a prompt?

  • We recommend testing out various prompts to see what works best for you. Take a look at the pre-generated templates and the template repository for ideas.

Sharing a template

Is it possible to share templates?

  • Currently, the best way to share templates is to manually copy & paste. Be sure to select the text and paste as “plain text” when sharing.

Multiple templates

Can I save multiple templates? What’s the limit and where can I see or edit them?

  • Yes, you can have as many templates as you’d like to. You could name them, change the default one as per your need. All of them are visible on AI Studio for you to edit, add, or delete.

Can I use different templates for different types of meetings?

  • Yes, if you have saved templates according to the different types of meetings & named them accordingly, you could simply choose from the drop-down on the title once an AI email is generated & click on ‘Rewrite Email’. If you do not have any saved templates, you can always customize the length and tone according to your needs.

Default template

What does it mean to mark a template as default?

  • The Sybill default template will be the template used when you first generate an AI Follow-Up Email. You can create your own templates and select one of those templates as the “default template” which will be the template used to “Generate AI Follow-Up Email from the Meeting Dashboard or your email client.

In the past, my workflow was to send my AI Follow-Up Email from my email client. Is there a way to set a default email template like I had before?

  • Yes, you can do this by going to AI Studio and selecting a default template. That template will be the one used via your email client.

How do I set a default template?

  • In the AI Studio, you’ll see the templates in a box each, on the top left corner, you’ll see a star. Your default template will have a golden star, whereas the rest will be the outline of a star. You could simply click on the star of the template you want as default.

  • Alternatively, while naming a template, you will find a box below the Name Slot, you could ensure it is checked.

I’d like to add my default signature & calendar link. How do I do that so it shows up on all my emails?

  • You can add your default signature & calendar link in your saved & default templates. You can then pick & choose which emails include these details.

  • Alternatively, your email client can also be set up with the default signature / calendar link.


Will anything break if I add URLs in the template?

  • No, nothing breaks if you add URLs in the template. The templates have been built to accommodate some commonly used & necessary URLs such as calendar links or meeting links etc.

Does the tone of the email change according to the tone or general interaction of the call?

  • It is set at a default of ‘Medium’ length & ‘Informal’ tone, which you could change according to what you deem fit.

  • There is no tone applied if you select “Don’t specify.” The tone is set by the instructions of the template or the stylist's choice when you specify an email tone in the template editor.

  • If you do not want a fixed length or tone and need the AI to decide what suits the particular call, you can change the settings to ‘Don’t specify’ on both parameters.


Issue: How do I set the default email handler in Chrome?

  1. Visit chrome://settings/handlers (Copy paste the link)

  2. Make the default behavior as "Sites can ask to handle protocols"

  3. (If it’s there) Remove your favorite email client (outlook/gmail) from "Not allowed to handle protocols" by clicking on the cross next to it.

  4. Then can you open your email client (Outlook/gmail) and now you should see the icon attached below. Click the icon, and click "Allow".

Issue: How can I copy-paste a template into the AI Studio?

  • Solution: In most cases a simple Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V (Windows) or Cmd+C & Cmd+V (Apple) should ideally work. In the off case that it doesn't you can try Ctrl+Shift+C & Ctrl+Shift+V (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+C & Cmd+Shift+V (Apple), and that should do the job.
    P.S.: Do not forget to click on 'Rewrite Email' after making changes to the prompt.

Issue: The generated email doesn’t match my style

  • Solution: Ensure your CRM is properly integrated and contains enough email data for the AI to learn from.

  • Alternatively, provide three sample emails that accurately reflect your writing style and let the AI adjust.

Issue: Not enough CRM data

  • Solution: Ensure your CRM is properly integrated and contains enough email data for the AI to learn from.

Issue: Difficulty in writing or figuring out what to write

  • Solution: Use the Prompt Editor & give it instructions within ‘<>’ and our smart AI will whip up something in no time to fit your needs.

Issue: How do I share a template?

  • Solution: Right now, the only available method is to click on the copy button, at the right bottom of the template box. This opens up the Editor. Then you manually copy the template from the Editor & paste in on notes or any other document & share it with whoever you would like to.

Template Repository

  • You could use this document to find some templates according to the need.

  • Do keep a watch here because we intend to keep adding to this repository.

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