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Slack integration with Sybill

A guide to integrating Slack with Sybill and the various options that are available for this integration.

Soumyarka Mondal avatar
Written by Soumyarka Mondal
Updated over 4 months ago

Who can use this integration?

Sybill team admins can connect their Sybill org to a Slack workspace to send the post-meeting summaries from Sybill to channels in Slack.

Sybill connects to the Slack API and uses scopes to perform actions in Slack. The scopes that we use are listed here.

Once connected, you will start receiving notifications from Sybill, right within your Slack workspace.

Setting Up Sybill Integration with Slack

Integrating Sybill with Slack allows you to receive meeting notifications and summaries directly in your Slack workspace, on a dedicated Sybill channel. This integration enhances collaboration and ensures that you stay updated on important meetings without leaving your Slack environment.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up the Sybill integration with Slack:

1. Accessing the Slack Integration Settings:

  • Login to your Sybill account and navigate to the Settings page.

  • Go to Integrations > Slack preferences.

2. Connecting Sybill to Slack:

  • Click on the "Connect" button.

  • You will be redirected to Slack's authorization page.

3. Authorizing Sybill in Slack:

  • Choose the Slack workspace where you want to integrate Sybill.

  • Review the permissions that Sybill requires and click "Allow" to grant access.

  • Once you grant access, you will see a new channel in your workspace: #sybill-notifications. This is where your team’s meetings will start getting shared (and you can control which of your team members are added to this channel). ​

4. Configuring Notification Preferences:

Check your sharing preferences: Click on ‘Settings > Integrations’ to ensure that it’s set as per your preferences.

Here, you can filter Slack notifications by:

  • Call Invitees: Any meeting with any of these participants will be added to the channel.

  • Deal Options:

    • Filter by specific account(s).

    • Filter by opportunity type.

    • Filter by Deal Stage.

    • Deal Amount

    • Deal Close Date

  • Trackers: Meetings containing specific keywords (such as confidential) will not be shared on the Slack channel.

  • Meeting type: You can choose either all or only external or internal meeting notifications to be shared on the Slack channel.

Each filter functions as an OR operator within itself and as an AND operator between different filters. For example: Teammates (User1 OR User2) AND Account (Acc1 OR Acc2 OR Acc3) AND Trackers (Tck1 OR Tck2).

5. Adding or Removing Team Members in the Sybill Slack channel:

  • Only the admins are added to the custom Slack channel by default.

  • You can configure members of the Sybill Slack channel using the channel settings on Slack

​Note: The Sybill integration with Slack requires authorization and access permissions. Make sure you have the necessary privileges to connect Sybill with your Slack workspace. You may need to be both Slack and Sybill admin to edit these settings.

How does the Sybill Slack app work?

The Sybill Slack app works in tandem with the Sybill meeting intelligence platform. Once your recorded Zoom meeting has been processed, the Sybill Slack app will send you an interactive notification within your Slack workspace with a detailed post-meeting summary.

You can share that summary, or interact with the message using the buttons at the bottom of the message.

What does a post-meeting summary look like?

A typical post-meeting summary will be an interactive message from the Sybill app. It will consist of the following sections (some sections are hidden by default, and can be revealed by clicking on the "View More" button):

  1. Title of the meeting (with a link to the meeting's dashboard).

  2. The AI-generated outcome of the meeting.

  3. The action items (next steps) that were detected by our algorithms.

  4. (Upon expansion) The conversation starters (small talk) of the meeting.

  5. (Upon expansion) The pain points described by each interest.

  6. (Upon expansion) The areas of interest per participant.

  7. List of the attendees in the meeting.

  8. The group of action buttons. Currently, they are: (a) Dashboard Link, (b) AI Email, and (c) View More.

A sample notification is provided below:

Where will the Sybill app send the summaries?

Summaries are sent to the internal participants of the call as a direct message from the Sybill app.

Also, if the organization's sharing preferences allow that call to be visible internally within the team, then that call's notification is also posted on the #sybill-notifications channel.

How can I interact with the summary?

Today, you can take quite a few actions on the interactive summary message. The 4 supported actions today are:

  1. Dashboard Link - takes you to the meeting dashboard in the Sybill web-app

  2. CRM Task - takes you to the corresponding task in your CRM

  3. AI Email - opens up an AI-generated follow-up email in your default email client (Gmail, Outlook, Superhuman, etc.)

  4. View More/Less - expands the other sections in the meeting summary (including small talk, interests, pain points, etc.)

A sample AI email screenshot is attached below:

Can I send messages to the Sybill app?

Not yet. The Sybill app is currently a notification-only app and doesn't receive any messages.

Can I turn off the Slack integration?

Yes! The organization admin can choose to turn off this integration for specific users by going to team Settings > Integrations > Slack Preferences.

Click on ‘Disconnect’ to turn off the Slack integration.

Can I delete some or all of my Slack messages?

Yes, for specific meeting data deletion, please follow the instructions here.

To delete your organization's Slack data, please send us an email at

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