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Sybill Call Insights: Transcription, Summaries, Behavioral cues, and more
How to use Sybill to read the room on Zoom
How do I figure out what the decision-maker was most interested in (in my product or service) during the call?
How do I figure out what the decision-maker was most interested in (in my product or service) during the call?

Quick tips on figuring out the behavior of the decision maker

Soumyarka Mondal avatar
Written by Soumyarka Mondal
Updated over a week ago

How do I figure out what the decision-maker was most interested in (in my product or service) during the call?

For the relevant participant, do these in order - it typically works:

  1. Glance over their meeting timeline - apart from the introduction and closing, is there a specific part of the call where you see the most highly engaged areas, or the most smiles and nods?
    This is typically a very strong indication of interest.

  2. If you see them in the Highlights section, click on their bars and quickly glance through their top moments of excitement and customer stories.
    Many a time, something may strike as a strong indication of interest there. Click on that and watch their reactions.

  3. If you remember something concrete that they mentioned about their interest, go over to the transcript and search for specific terms that you remember from that discussion.
    When you see a relevant result, click on it and rewatch that part of the call.

  4. Finally, read through their specific questions and pain points to see if you can see explicit mentions of interest in a certain feature of your product or a specific problem that seems deeply concerning to them.

Highlights section

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