A breakdown of Sybill's post-meeting report

A summary of the post-meeting report and it's insights

Soumyarka Mondal avatar
Written by Soumyarka Mondal
Updated over a week ago

After each meeting that is recorded on Sybill, you will be able to review the report generated by Sybill, typically within an hour of the meeting's completion.

We have taken immense care and conducted extensive user research to arrive at this current design.

A typical report is shown below:

Post-meeting report

This dashboard can be broken down into the following constituent segments:

The video recording of the call (in Zoom’s Gallery View with Shared Screen)

In this portion, you can playback the video as recorded by Sybill at various speeds and also in fullscreen.

Video Player on Sybill

The Engagement Map

Below the video player, you can find meeting timelines for each participant present on the call.

The timelines contain information about their speaking, engagement, and non-verbal reactions (including nodding, smiling, etc.) throughout the call.

For a detailed explanation of the engagement map and our tips on how best to use it, please click here.

The transcript of the call (plus filters)

Sybill provides an augmented transcript of the entire recording, complete with mentions of customized keywords, various trackers as well as the associated emotional cues.

Our word error rate (one of the standardized metrics) is industry-leading in terms of the underlying transcription service.

In addition to scrolling through the transcription, you can also search for any specific keywords and mentions, and click on any segment to start playing the video, right from that moment onwards.

AI-powered Highlights and Follow-Ups

Sybill's intelligent machine learning algorithms can assimilate the entire meeting, including the video data and the textual transcript, and surface non-trivial insights about the meeting. These insights can broadly be classified into two categories:

  1. Highlights: These insights summarize each participant’s interactions as well as the call dynamics, and surface the key moments in the call. For a more detailed guide on how best to use these Highlights, click here.

  2. Follow-Ups: Automatically detected next steps, questions and answers, and pain points, as well as pricing, authority, and metrics discussions. For an in-depth explanation of these AI-generated follow-ups, click here.

With Sybill by your side, you can quickly craft those follow-ups at the end of the day, as well as discover the "aha" moments quicker, consistently on each of your calls.

Highlights Section

Summary of the meeting

Sybill also provides an overview of the meeting, wherein you can consume all of the industry-standard conversational intelligence metrics (including talk ratio, filler-word frequency, etc.).

However, Sybill also goes one step beyond and provides an exclusive Meeting Interactivity Score which lets you gauge how well was your content received and how was the engagement level of your buyers.

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